Sinterpack and Prodec present their new collaborative case packing cell on July 10, 11 and 12

27 June 2019
Tiempo de lectura: 2 min

Sinterpack and Prodec present their new collaborative case packing cell on July 10, 11 and 12. The group, which has already had for years a solution capable of palletizing using collaborative robots, has developed, thanks to Prodec’s extensive experience in the development of case packing solutions, a cell capable of case packing packages weighing up to 10 kg, using a single collaborative robot.

Capable of adapting to almost any package format, this solution achieves 12 cycles per minute, regardless of the weight to be held. Another advantage of this innovative cell is its small footprint, facilitating its installation in factories with limited space.

Like the palletizing cell, the new Prodec collaborative case packing cell does not require perimeter fencing as it has integrated safety as its own functionality, which is why its main virtue is that it is suitable for working with people. Cooperate with the operator to let him perform the tasks he performs best, avoiding monotonous, repetitive or unergonomic work. These features represent a major step forward in improving the competitiveness of companies and help to bring them one step closer to the industry of the future.

At the presentation, which will take place on July 10, 11 and 12 at our facilities (Carrer del Solsonès, 72, 08211 Castellar del Vallès, Barcelona), attendees will be able to see the following in operation a complete end of line; which, in addition to this new cell, includes collaborative case packing, palletizing by cobots and automatic case erecting and closing.


Every day (except Friday the 12th, which will only be held in the morning) there will be two sessions (morning and afternoon) with a maximum capacity of 20 people per group, so if this event is of interest to you, we recommend that you reserve your place at the time and place that best suits your needs.

Registrations can be made through the Sinterpack website ( and through the following link:

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