K-100 Top loading socket

K-100 Top loading socket

New case packing solution using a servo-controlled two-axis mechanism, with higher speed and performance compared to the Cartesian system. It is driven by two arms, each with two carbon fiber tubes, which provides high tensile and compressive strength, as well as weight reduction.

Box dimensions

Max 600 400 420
Min 200 150 150


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  • Solution for spaces of limited height
  • Great savings in maintenance costs and time
  • Versatile machine for adaptation to different formats
  • Ergonomic design
  • Quick format changeover


  • Production:
    Maximum 10 cycles/min (heavy products)
    Maximum 30 cycles/min (light products)
  • Single, double or triple head, with or without rotation and with 2 or 3 quintuple suction pads

Process Flow

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