D-100 Top loading socket

D-100 Top loading socket

Modular and flexible solution for top packing, using a Cartesian Pick & Place system. Our proprietary picking head design can be adapted to different types of products, allowing up to three cases per cycle.

It has an accessible, user-friendly design that allows access to the entire machine for easier and more efficient maintenance.

Box dimensions

Max 600 400 420
Min 200 150 150


Tipo_Caja_1 Tipo_Caja_4 Tipo_Caja_3

Tipo_Caja_2 Medidas_Caja_1


  • Quick format changeover
  • Easy access and cleaning
  • Versatile machine for adaptation to different formats
  • Ergonomic design


  • Production of up to 30 boxes/min
  • Case packing up to 3 cases/cycle
  • Footprint reducido
  • Spindle rotation option

Process Flow

D-100_ProductFlow_1 D-100_ProductFlow_2