Legal Notice

IDENTIFICATION DATA: In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI – CE) and in accordance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of the aforementioned regulation, the following data are reflected below: the company owner of the web domain is the company PRODEC EQUIPOS DE ENVASADO, S.A.U. (hereinafter PRODEC), with registered office at calle Solsonés nº 72 (Pol. Ind. Pla de la Bruguera), Castellar del Valles (08211 Barcelona), with tax identification number C.I.F. núm. A-08719452, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, volume 22,079, folio 20, page B-32366. Contact e-mail:

USERS: The access and use of this portal, owned by PRODEC, attributes the condition of USER, accepting all the General Conditions of Use that will be established here, from the beginning of the access and use by the indicated portal.

TERMS OF USE: provides access to a series of information, services, products or data (hereinafter,“the contents“) on the Internet belonging to PRODEC, to which the USER may have access. The USER assumes responsibility for the proper and correct use of the portal.

This responsibility extends to the registration required to access certain products, information, services and/or contents. In such registration, the USER shall be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information.

The USER agrees to make appropriate use of the content and services that PRODEC offers through its website, pledging not to use them for illicit, illegal or contrary to the law, good faith and public order.

DATA PROTECTION: PRODEC complies with the guidelines of Law 15/1999 of December 13 for the Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which approves the Regulation of development of the Organic Law and other regulations in force at all times, and ensures the correct use and processing of the user’s personal data. For this purpose, the personal data provided by the USER through the website will be included in the corresponding file of the company, which is duly registered in the Register of the Data Protection Agency. Such personal data will be treated with the utmost privacy and confidentiality. You are informed that the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data grants the interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights that allow them to guarantee and protect in a real and effective way their right to honor and personal and family privacy. To achieve this objective, the users of the website are entitled to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions on the protection of personal data. For this purpose, the USER must send a written and signed request addressed to PRODEC EQUIPOS DE ENVASADO, S.A.U., with address at calle Solsonés nº 72 (Pol. Ind. Pla de la Bruguera), Castellar del Valles (08211 Barcelona), with C.I.F. number. A-08719452, or preferably to the e-mail address with the following information: name and surname of the user, address for notification purposes, photocopy of the National Identity Document and request specifying the request. Finally, PRODEC informs that it complies with Law 34/2002 of July 11, 2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and will request your consent to the processing of your email for commercial purposes at all times.

INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: PRODEC owns all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained therein, with all rights reserved. Under the provisions of Articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, are expressly prohibited reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its mode of making available, all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorization of PRODEC. The USER undertakes to respect the rights of Intellectual and Industrial Property owned by Name of the company that created the website.

DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY: PRODEC is not responsible for the content of the websites to which the USER may have access through the links established on the website

PRODEC is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any kind that may cause, but not limited to: errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the content, despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to prevent it.

MODIFICATIONS OF THE PRESENT CONDITIONS AND DURATION: PRODEC reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate in its website, may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same as the way in which they are presented or located on its website and shall remain in force until they are modified by other duly published.

USE OF COOKIES: PRODEC may use cookies to personalize and facilitate the USER’s navigation through its site. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous USER and his/her computer and do not provide references that allow the USER’s personal data to be deduced. The USER may configure your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by PRODEC, without affecting the ability of the USER to access the Content.

RIGHT OF EXCLUSION: PRODEC reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its site and/or the services offered without prior notice, at its own request or that of a third party, to those users who do not comply with these General Conditions of Use.